Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Recently, I began to learn about the Vietnam War. Never in my life have I had so much to think about. Even World War II couldn't make me feel the way I feel now. I have read the books, read the stories. Listened to what went on down there in the jungles. I don't even fully understand what or why I feel what I feel. There is just this feeling that is taking over. Its powerful. It makes me think. War isn't so great. Its a terrible thing. Yet the lives so wasted on that land were worth something. They had meaning and something to fulfil. They don't deserve to lie buried on a godforsaken rock to no end. Why did they have to die for nothing? I respect those men. Those who watched their friends die. Those who died along side their friends. Those who lived, who to this day are still haunted by what they saw and did. What they had to come back from. Their wives, their children can't understand. Can't understand why daddy wakes up every night screaming. Or why the tortured faces of the men he killed haunt him every day. His wife will roll over and say, "Its ok honey, the war is over, go back to sleep." But she can't know. The ever present fear of death, lurking in the shadows. Some even return back to Vietnam, searching for something maybe. Perhaps they left part of themselves behind, and they want it back. They might feel connected to the land, no need to live luxury when you have all the land in the world. To just live in. To be free. But they aren't free. Far from it. It makes you think, makes you feel something you can't know. Just something... some kind of.. awe and Inspiration. I feel courageous. I feel, crazy. I want to experience it so I can know...
and there was the photographer who came to the school. showed us pics of Vietnam. what the Kmehr rouge did. Fantastic work. Breath-taking. Damned powerful. Like a nuclear bomb. The stillness, the beauty. Until you realize that you won't survive. The calm before the storm. or like knowing you have cancer, die in 4 months.. so you just have to go and live.
see the world, do stuff. Take in what you can before you become all that which you have attempted to know and understand. Before you fade away and get forgotten. till someone comes and tells your story to the world so the next kid can get inspired. I feel like a million bucks and a piece of shit all at the same time. Brave and scared. Powerless, and hopeless...
and everything..

Universal Thought

Universal Thought

When one hears the word Universe, one thinks about a vast expanse of black space, and possibly time. One may think about our galaxy and the other planets, or a black hole that sits in a place we cannot know.
Are these thoughts correct or incorrect? What is out there in the black star dotted sky? Can we know? These questions in turn ask more questions, and require answers we do not have. So how can we answer them?
To answer the rest we must first answer: what is the universe? Possibly a never-ending expanse of stars, rocks, planets, and the various other things scientifically proven to exist. It could be that the universe is a box that is stashed away under a bed on a planet in another universe.
Maybe the universe is the eye of a marble, rolling around in another universe. That marble is in the hands of someone in another universe.
In both of these answers or universe is inside, or part of a bigger universe. Is this possible, or was our universe placed in a void? Placed in empty space.
So how was the universe created? Maybe universes are like amoeba, and they split into more universes. Is there room for all of these universes? The universes must be placed in a space able to hold a certain number of universes. So there must be multiple universes carriers. Which have to be held by universe carrier carriers. Is there even more then one universe?
What is the meaning of "Universe?" Well if one breaks it up, it would be found in two parts: Uni, and verse. Uni, as in Unicycle, means one. Then verse, being the verse of a poem or song. A unicycle has one wheel, so a universe has one verse?
A verse of what? A verse of life or being? May be a collective number of universes creates a poem. Who creates these Verses? Is this the work of a god? Is this what gods are for?
If this is true then each universe must have it's own god. So each god creates his or her own verse, and living organisms were created to piece them together. But where is the title? Does this poem answer all of the questions of one's mind?
Could there be a way to move between universes? Is there a secret door hidden in each universe? Why is it we cannot touch a rainbow? Is that where the door is hidden? Then we are meant to find the door. We are meant to link the verses together, create the god's poem, and answer the questions.
Perhaps the universes are arranged into a ladder. When one dies, he or she moves up or down the ladder depending on the life that person had led. When one reaches the top, that person will find the gods. So what is at the bottom? Is that the hell we humans have come to fear? Is hell the fear that one will not move up, but move down into nothingness? Towards another void where a universe has not yet been placed. Can one go there? Can one be in a void, with no place to move or be? So how can a universe be placed in a void? Or is there a void at all?

Reader’s Comments:

**This is freaky because I have no answer to that question, and because infinity and the unknown make me uncertain of what’s out there. If there is a universe containing other universe where does our death fit in? Who am I in the greater world?

**-You question deeply about it and it shows in your writing, therefore that spikes interest
-Flowed well
-Possibly organize words a bit more
-Organization is the key to some of this

**I like the story or whatever you would call this. I don’t have any answers to these questions.

**I used to think of philosophy all the time, but then I got tired of not knowing so I stopped.

**Lucas, I love the idea of different gods assigned to certain spaces and left to create their own universe. What if the gods carried around their own universes? Or what if the universes had to get exercise, so their gods took them on walks with leashes? What if universes were born with a god? Or what if they created gods themselves? Ok. What if two gods hooked up, and a universe was a sort of womb that the gods created in order to hold the embryo god? What if there were baby gods? What if people that died in this universe went to be gods at other universes? What if listening to Rammstein could transfer people from universe to universe?
Oh, Lucas do you ever think like… like only what you see exists? Like say you’re looking at a flowerpot. The only things that exist are the pot, the flower(s), some of the soil, and whatever is behind it? Even the backs of the flowerpot and flower(s) didn’t exist! I used to think that a lot.
Ooo. Sometimes I think that I’m in a dream, but its always a dream. What if every one person had their own universe. For example, you live in your own universe. All of these things you hear in the news, see on the TV, or anything you’ve read in books, all belongs in your universe?
In my universe, there is no such thing as… well, something that might be in your universe. I’m sure there are very similar universes, but I’m also very sure that some of the same events happened, but they happened differently.
I read this great book once, You Have Been There Before. Its about a psychologist who looks into people past lives using hypnosis. It is very interesting; though I don’t know what is has to do with different universes. Oh well… Oh! I just had the craziest Idea! What if there was a universe in my amp and the planets and stars and oceans shook when I played my guitar? What do you think the people and other beings would think about it? Would they like my music? …Do they like my music? I’m starting to wonder about what goes on in my amp. Whoa! What if every universe is inside another universe? Like, one sphere larger sphere, and so on? Oh yeah, I think I might start talking to my amp now, so that the people in the universe in my amp



Perspective (In respect to each individual) is generally characterized thusly: What one sees, thinks, hears, and possibly feels. In short: what you know… is. This of course, is a statement that may or may not be true. For example: I may know (or think) that I am extremely smart and am a somewhat helpful person. Whereas someone else may think that I am annoying, or perhaps too hyper.
Let’s take a random color: Purple. I see purple and know that it is purple. Then I look at something green, and know that it is green. Now someone comes and sits beside me, they see the object that, to me, is purple, and see it as the green color that I see in the second object. However, they still know it as the color, purple.
Now of course there is the subject of color blindness. Color blindness happens when someone’s purple, now looks like my purple, two completely different colors (By perspectives standards). Now if you remember their purple is my green, and my purple is their green, so when they see my purple they think it is green. While to me, it still remains purple.
So what is it that makes one see purple as green and still know it is purple? It all comes from being taught. When we go to school for the first time, or maybe even earlier. We learn what to call each color. So whoever is the teacher, will tell us what she knows the color to be named. Let’s take the purple again. The teacher holds up, to him, a purple card. To the child in the front row it looks, to him, like what the color green looks like, to the teacher. However, the teacher calls the color: purple. She had to have learned that it was named purple from somewhere. So someone taught her about purple which, to that person, looks like what the teacher knows about the color: blue. Every time we go back to another teacher we find that the color is changing. To each individual, one color will look like another to another person, which knows it to be the color of another person’s perspective.
The definition of “Perspective” (As seen in the dictionary) is: Mental view. My mental view of life is that we are all meant for something, living strung across several verses. All of these different people, in all the different verses, know different things. I believe we live in different universes that enter twine within each other, whereas another person may believe we live in a huge box. So each individual has a different perspective, even a perspective on perspective, which is different from mine. So what is a “Mental view” on a mental view? Can there even be such a thing? Well who can say, after all it is perspective.

Reader comments:

**I am a little distracted at the moment so I will be brief. I like the thoughts, but it seems a little half-baked. It would be a better demonstration of thought to chew it around a little more.

**When I think of different perspectives I get frustrated. At least, when I think of, say, a real, or unreal perspective. For example, I am looking at a whiteboard right now. In “reality” that whiteboard does not exist. In “reality” I am living in a large program created to hide the fact that I am a living battery for machines. For me, watching The Matrix was very frustrating. When I try to comprehend the possibility of something like that, I have to give up. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard I find it to imagine what someone else’s “Mental image” is. Like, sometimes I find myself wondering if my “Mental image” differs from everyone else’s. Like I’m the only one.

**I understand this paper you wrote. I worry about what is in this story. Like you can see something blue but other people see it as yellow. If someone saw something black and someone else said it was blue I can understand that. I really like this paper.

**Perspective has always greatly interested me. I remember sitting in my granddad’s living room with my best friend and discussing whether the couch was green or not. Perhaps my green looks more like her orange. Perspective has a huge impact on people’s favorite colors as well. Maybe we all like the same color. As you say, people’s perspective affects the way we think about others, and time changes our perspective as well. When you first meet someone, you have a first impression affected by your perspective, but as you get to know them, your impression and perspective will usually change. For example: when I first met John Lindsay, my impression of him was: annoying Grandin employee who thinks he knows everything and hates everyone who disagrees with him. Now, a year later, I Know that he knows a lot about movies, but I also know that I disagree with him everyday and he still puts up with me. I also don’t find him very annoying anymore. Well there is some of m rambling thoughts.


Fate: Decision or Decided?
Guide or Prophet?
Construction or Destruction?

Let’s see it in terms of Fate as the decision in our lives. Then Fate is the being that pre-decides our life. How can he know what I’ll do, or how can he know what to make me decide? Does he know I will mover this chess piece? Does he already know, and if so, does he force me to?
So how can Fate decide that I will love, and if he does, does feeling or love exist? Is love more powerful then Fate, able to overpower him in any situation presented in life? All of the decisions we make in life come through Fate’s mind first. So in effect, our decisions are his personal decisions for us. Our action is his will?
So his control is just a will. Sheer will is a force that cannot hold it’s ground against feelings, love. So Fate’s will is nothing. A bleak empty nothingness, created by Fate to scare us into believing we are controlled. Or maybe created to guide us towards something.
Perhaps we are being guided toward right. Maybe he wishes to guide me towards wrong. How can one know which is which? Does Fate know? Does Fate create wrong and right? If so, should all right be Fate’s right? Or does he create right for each individual?
If Fate is the decision in each of our lives then one thing is certain: We are nobody. We are puppets of Fate, placed in a world for sheer entertainment. We are like a television show, being watched, as we act to a script set in place that can never be changed.

Now we come to the subject of decided. Fate has decided what we will do, he has written our script and now we act by it. Every time another person is born, Fate has a script written especially for that person, and places it in their mind. So Fate, knows everything.
Well he must, if he is able to know what will happen to each of us, and be able to tell us what we will do. Fate is knowledge and control. He passes on his knowledge and control from time to time. Take Albert Einstein for instance, a genius that contributed greatly to the world with his vast intelligence. Fate would have had to give him that information for him to know it. Take a look at George W. Bush. He was the president of the United States of America. For him to come to that status, Fate passed on some control, or the ability to gain the control.
Knowledge and Control have now become the most important things in the world. Each individual should strive for ultimate knowledge and control. Knowledge of what? Control over whom? What do these words symbolize to each individual, or to Fate. What does Fate want when he passes on his knowledge and control?
When we look at Fate as having decided our lives, we can know one thing: want doesn’t exist. We can’t want to do something, because we are already going to do it. The want we feel is the control being exerted over us, forcing us to do things, we think we want to do. Our thoughts are also meaningless. We think what Fate wants us to think, and we only know what Fate wants us to. Our feelings are being controlled also, along with our senses and what we say. In short, we are nothing.

As a guide, Fate seems a little less scary. Yes, Fate still knows everything, but only steers us in the right direction. He helps us to see the right, or in some cases, the wrong. You may ask why he would want someone to see the wrong instead of right. The answer is simple.
In a world where all people do right, nothing is wrong, and the world runs in a simple yet effective manor. A perfect world. Harmonic, melodious, rhythmic. When one puts in a wrong, the system is undone, thrown out of whack, and released from perfection. When that wrong enters, the world challenging.
The wrongs of the world are challenges. Challenges meant to test the limit of those who do right. Challenges meant to make one see what benefits a wrong has. For instance, stealing. Stealing is way to make money, obtain items and food, at very little or no cost. People see wrongs as wrong, but there is an element of curiosity involved. Some may want to know what it is like to steal, or how it feels to have vast amounts of money. They may wish to switch sides, and become wrong in order to become powerful and knowledgeable.
These wrongs are to remind us that the right easy, but the wrong is easier. No one in this world can say that they have never done anything wrong in their life. It may be as simple as a lie, or as large as murder. The fact of the matter is, the world would not be so challenging without the wrong. The minds of the people would be controlled, which we have already established, is not what Fate is doing as a guide. So Fate puts the wrong in, to keep control out.
With Fate as a guide, on thing is certain: we are in control. We do what we want, and we are guided to know how to do, (or how to want in some cases) what we want. Fate becomes a model, and a friend.

As a prophet Fate will have very little control. He will be like an oracle, one that waits for a person to find him. Hidden deep in the confines of the world, waiting for the right person to come. When that person comes he will answer all of the questions that said person has to ask. He will still know everything.
The road to reaching a prophet or “Oracle” would be tough. The oracle would know all, be able to answer every question, and have the ability to appropriately communicate with that person. One may think that finding an Oracle would first entail finding one’s “Inner Self.” That is incorrect. To find an Oracle, one can’t go wasting their time knowing who they are first, for that is the reason for the Oracle’s existence.
When found, the Oracle will be plied with questions. These questions will include: Who am I? Who are you? How do you know everything? What am I meant for? What do I do next? If you know everything what am I thinking now? These are the questions that everyone wants to learn the answers to. What should be asked are these questions: Why would you tell me the answers? Is there a purpose that I learn the answers? Why solely me? What has driven me to find you? And why have I found you now?
In the first set of questions there is not a single why. In the second set there are mostly why’s. In all children, there comes a time when they will begin to ask only why. Why this? Why that? “Why is my hat blue?” “Well because it was made like that Johnny.” “Why?” These questions are asked because of a longing for an oracle figure to answer them. This is the beginning of the search for the oracle.
With Fate as the oracle one thing is certain: People seek knowledge. Everyone wants to know, why they are here, what they are for, why they do what they do. When Fate is found one will learn the answers. However, no one knows how to find Fate, so when will he be found?

Fate’s knowledge and control are the building blocks for our mind. We as a whole want to know all of the answers to the “Big Questions.” We desire the knowledge and control that Fate owns. Before we are thrown into the wide world on our own, we attend school, to learn and grow. We quest for the knowledge, owned by each individual teacher and mentor.
The need for control is demonstrated by anyone who tries to become president. Even in ourselves we strive for control. Control over our lives, how we live, what we do and what we want. We wish to have control over what we become in like, and how we get there.
However, knowledge and control are two of the most uncertain things in the world. Control cannot be kept, and knowledge cannot be gained, unless one is able to understand what they are. When one knows what knowledge and control are, they will be able to harbor and keep said knowledge and control.
If Fate did not exist, the knowledge and control we strive for could not exist either. Fate keeps this world together by knowing, and passing on the knowledge and control he owns. There would be no quest, and people would be useless lumps on their couches, watching T.V. and eating pizza.
With Fate as the construction of our minds, one thing is certain: We can’t know, without understanding. This means that until we understand why, knowledge is either unobtainable, or useless. Unless we understand why we know or why we are, the knowledge we have, is useless.

Bringing the world to a close will also be Fate’s job. This is the apocalypse talked about many people in the world today. In fact, the apocalypse is not necessarily as scary as one thinks. Most people think about the apocalypse as being the end of the end, in which everyone dies in a fiery death ball of doom. This is incorrect. In fact, the end of the world is nothing more then the time in which Fate has passed all of his knowledge down to us, and there is nothing left to do but be.
This means that since Fate has all of the knowledge and control, and is passing it down little by little. Eventually we will have all the knowledge and control that Fate does, and there will be nothing left for Fate to do but end the world. Once the world has ended, which is not to say it is destroyed or otherwise gone, we will be left with nothing to do but think, and create new knowledge. Once we have reached this stage of life, Fate will essentially reboot the system, and all of the knowledge we create he will take in and use to make new worlds and new lives.
Now that Fate has created us, and used us to gain what he wanted, he will create more beings. Into these beings he will pour his wisdom, knowledge, and control, and let them do the same as us. Fate is essentially trying to fulfill the same quest as we are: to know everything. His quest for knowledge is our quest for knowledge, and while our quest for all of the knowledge is over, his will be just beginning.

In all six of these things that Fate may be, there is one thing in common: Fate is in control. Fate controls our very existence, our way of life. Many people believe that they are in control, that they do what they want. They are wrong. If we were in control, the universe would not work as it does. Somehow the universe was created, and we were placed in it to learn. We are here to move up in the rank of the world, to become high in our society’s order, and know all. This is the force that controls us. Overtime we have given this force a name. A name that strikes fear into many hearts, has created knowledge and thought, and has plagued the mind for ages. This name is Fate.

Reader comments:

**Good, but not clean enough.

**Fate brings up so many questions. That’s the beauty of it I think. If everyone knew, for sure, what Fate was and how it controls our lives, then no one would ask questions. No one would think for themselves. Everyone would let go and let their lives be controlled. For life to have meaning, a purpose, goals are important-striving to achieve things is a necessary part of life. If you believe in Fate, you might just relax and let Fate handle things. I don’t think that’s really helpful in having a fulfilling and adventurous life.

**Proven capable of higher thought, but now what? What are you doing with it? To flat out say someone is wrong seems very bold and unless you have no shadow of a doubt don’t say that (Someone smarter and wiser will come along). So opinionated. It’s like you’re babbling, use more that your word to convince us that you are correct.

**Fate? I really don’t have a definition of Fate. I think that Fate isn’t real. I think that it just happens. No one has a Fate… that is just the way it goes. Lucas I really liked your paper but I don’t get any message or anything from the two papers you wrote. I don’t really know what Fate is. I am looking forward to writing another response to your story. I hope this helps you some, with what you wanted.

**My first question: Is Fate male or female? To me, Fate would be an old woman with thin, but large hair. That is, if I believed in Fate. I don’t believe that some… thing is deciding what will happen to people or what people will happen to do. I don’t think that Fate is confiding in us, or any one person. Perhaps certain people who believe in Fate are controlled by it. Maybe Fate can only control people who believe in it. I don’t believe that Fate controls people. I believe that the media controls people. Maybe not all people, but most who read the newspaper and watch television, listen to the radio, or learn about events from word of mouth. I believe fear can control people. Or rather, certain people (George W. Bush) use fear to control people. Long after 9/11, Bush used the people’s fear of “Terrorists” to enter Iraq. Fate does not control people. People control people.

**Fate is a nonexistent concept as is destiny. To make people feel life has a meaning. Because some people can’t go unless the think there’s some reason for there existence. Which considering that it’s just to serve that purpose, the question doesn’t matter.

**Wow! That all comes to mind. I understood very little of it, but I think that is why it is so good. Very mature, and seems to be coming from an adult. I liked how you separated the roles of Fate in our lives. You gave Fate life and somewhat of a human form. Random thought: By putting it in Italics it made it seem more like thoughts because that is how thought is represented in books and on paper. I think even if you had not told me before I read it, it was your thoughts, I would have known from the font. Not much…but amazing!