Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Perspective (In respect to each individual) is generally characterized thusly: What one sees, thinks, hears, and possibly feels. In short: what you know… is. This of course, is a statement that may or may not be true. For example: I may know (or think) that I am extremely smart and am a somewhat helpful person. Whereas someone else may think that I am annoying, or perhaps too hyper.
Let’s take a random color: Purple. I see purple and know that it is purple. Then I look at something green, and know that it is green. Now someone comes and sits beside me, they see the object that, to me, is purple, and see it as the green color that I see in the second object. However, they still know it as the color, purple.
Now of course there is the subject of color blindness. Color blindness happens when someone’s purple, now looks like my purple, two completely different colors (By perspectives standards). Now if you remember their purple is my green, and my purple is their green, so when they see my purple they think it is green. While to me, it still remains purple.
So what is it that makes one see purple as green and still know it is purple? It all comes from being taught. When we go to school for the first time, or maybe even earlier. We learn what to call each color. So whoever is the teacher, will tell us what she knows the color to be named. Let’s take the purple again. The teacher holds up, to him, a purple card. To the child in the front row it looks, to him, like what the color green looks like, to the teacher. However, the teacher calls the color: purple. She had to have learned that it was named purple from somewhere. So someone taught her about purple which, to that person, looks like what the teacher knows about the color: blue. Every time we go back to another teacher we find that the color is changing. To each individual, one color will look like another to another person, which knows it to be the color of another person’s perspective.
The definition of “Perspective” (As seen in the dictionary) is: Mental view. My mental view of life is that we are all meant for something, living strung across several verses. All of these different people, in all the different verses, know different things. I believe we live in different universes that enter twine within each other, whereas another person may believe we live in a huge box. So each individual has a different perspective, even a perspective on perspective, which is different from mine. So what is a “Mental view” on a mental view? Can there even be such a thing? Well who can say, after all it is perspective.

Reader comments:

**I am a little distracted at the moment so I will be brief. I like the thoughts, but it seems a little half-baked. It would be a better demonstration of thought to chew it around a little more.

**When I think of different perspectives I get frustrated. At least, when I think of, say, a real, or unreal perspective. For example, I am looking at a whiteboard right now. In “reality” that whiteboard does not exist. In “reality” I am living in a large program created to hide the fact that I am a living battery for machines. For me, watching The Matrix was very frustrating. When I try to comprehend the possibility of something like that, I have to give up. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard I find it to imagine what someone else’s “Mental image” is. Like, sometimes I find myself wondering if my “Mental image” differs from everyone else’s. Like I’m the only one.

**I understand this paper you wrote. I worry about what is in this story. Like you can see something blue but other people see it as yellow. If someone saw something black and someone else said it was blue I can understand that. I really like this paper.

**Perspective has always greatly interested me. I remember sitting in my granddad’s living room with my best friend and discussing whether the couch was green or not. Perhaps my green looks more like her orange. Perspective has a huge impact on people’s favorite colors as well. Maybe we all like the same color. As you say, people’s perspective affects the way we think about others, and time changes our perspective as well. When you first meet someone, you have a first impression affected by your perspective, but as you get to know them, your impression and perspective will usually change. For example: when I first met John Lindsay, my impression of him was: annoying Grandin employee who thinks he knows everything and hates everyone who disagrees with him. Now, a year later, I Know that he knows a lot about movies, but I also know that I disagree with him everyday and he still puts up with me. I also don’t find him very annoying anymore. Well there is some of m rambling thoughts.

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